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Community Projects

January 2021

In January 2021 I was lucky enough to be commissioned by Banyule Council to design a public activation project. With the aim to engage the community, the brief was to design an original, site specific temporary art project. The focus was to encourage local residents to enjoy their neighbourhoods and trading strips following the isolating year of 2020.


My project involved painting a colourful mural in Morwell Avenue, Watsonia and inviting local children to help me over 4 weekends of free workshops.


During my time at the site I met so many locals who all took an interest in the murals progress and encouraged me along with many a story and the occasional chocolate bar! The workshop kids were absolute stars. It was a very rewarding experience!

From My Window Project


In late 2020, I was commissioned by my local council along with several other artists to participate in the ‘From My Window’ project. 


This project involved local artists delivering site-specific temporary window installations across 33 local businesses, throughout 6 different trading strips in Banyule, with the installations remaining in shop windows for approximately 4 weeks. 


The aim of this project was to encourage the community to re-emerge, enjoy their local streets, shop locally and enjoy positive, accessible & free encounters with arts and culture.


I created work for seven local businesses ranging from dentists & beauticians to café’s and thrift shops.


Together we can build something from within our homes to share with others. Set your creativity free beyond the confines of our new 'normal' and join a growing collection of birds from people around your neighbourhood, and neighbourhoods around the world!

Creative Time Out


In 2015, I obtained a grant to facilitate an 8-week art program, ‘Creative Time Out’, for mothers of Autistic children. The project involved 1.5-hour creative sessions during school hours for mothers/carers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Onsite childcare was provided with staff experienced in caring for children with additional needs.


The sessions were held at the Greenhills Neighbourhood House and all materials were included. My aim was to facilitate an environment of gentle art practice by sharing with the participants the benefits associated with art journaling for fun and general wellbeing. Primarily, my aim was to provide some well needed 'time out' in a safe environment, engaging in artful activities amongst women in similar situations.


My hope was to connect people that share similar circumstances, with the view of creating a support network that continued well after the program ended.


It was an absolute privilege to work with these women!

Artwork by Helen Platania titled "Aussie Angel"

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I can't wait to start sharing my art stories with you. Helen x

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