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Artist in Residence

Greenhills Primary School Memorial Garden


In 2018 I had the pleasure of working with the art teacher & students of Greenhills Primary School to produce a ‘100 Years of Armistice’ mural which now sits proudly in their memorial garden. The process involved working with the children throughout the term to produce their own mixed media artworks relating to the topic, whilst contributing their ideas and thoughts to help me complete the final painting. 


This artwork was then transferred to specialised decals which were fired onto ceramic tiles and installed in a custom iron frame. 


Upon reflection, the research and work that went into this piece by everyone involved instils a sense of confidence that this generation of school children will forever remember the members of our armed forces who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

Maharishi School Mural


During 2012 I was fortunate enough to spend two terms as the ‘Artist in Residence’ working with the children at the Maharishi School. In the last term we took on the mammoth task of making a 3m x 2.5m mosaic mural for the school. These photos show the journey from initial design and planning through to final grouting. 


The mural is made of 17 individual pieces which made handling much easier for the children (and me! ...considering we didn’t always have favourable weather to work outside). The finished piece has been mounted to an external wall on the school grounds. 

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